Selling Stones

We have many kind of best stons for gardening.
※We don't internet selling for stones at present.

■The Point
If you come to Moritaen, we can explain the details when you choose your stones.
We also can suggest that the gardening points from the proffesional's view.

・All kind of lanterns
・The stones statue of Jizo, Dousojin and more

We have a variety of stones in our garden.
The best way to know about our stones or gardening is you actually see them, so easy to come to our garden please.

Landscape Gardening(Proffesionals who have many experiences about landscape gardening do this work)

We address about your budget or environment one by one.
To fit Your purpose of gardening, we do the work over addressing.

[Garden Tree/Plant]
・Making a real gardening like show off the building.
・The suggestion about flowers and trees which changing with the four seasons.
・The suggestion about gardening which can fit the four seasons.
・The suggestion about brand-new gardens.
・The suggestion about renew gardens.
・Consultation about prune garden trees.
・Consultation about garden plants, or how to grow the garden trees.

[Maintenance of garden plants]
・Pruning of trees
・Disposal of pruned rubbish.
・Get rid of harmful insects(sterilization)
・Cutting roots

We also do constract such as outside ditch, blocks, fences, and exterior.

■The point
We are individual company, so that we can correspond your needs easily. We would love to do just only pruning or sterilization.

■Moritaen's advantage
Our advantage, it is "stone". I think there are many garden just plantting the trees, but we suggest that our ideas like ornamental stones, garden lanterns, or basins. The point is that you can choose our goods over watching the actual thing.